The Application Workflow Enablers is a model element that is added to EIRA Technical view - application in order to support an improved presentation (ref. the basic components Internal information sources and services and External information sources and services of the Conceptual model for integrated public services provision of the European Interoperability Framework).

Application Workflow Enablers is a specialisation of Enabler grouping. It supports the addition of enablers to those included in EIRA's Technical view - application.

Focal Architecture Building Blocks

Other enablers

From Professional profile:
Profile family ICT Profiles
business management Business Information Manager, Chief Information Officer, ICT Operations Manager
technical management Project Manager, Service Manager
design Business Analyst
development Test Specialist
service & operation
support ICT Trainer, ICT Consultant

From European e-Competence Framework:

The latest release of the EIRA© is available on Joinup.

Source: European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA version 3) (url) (with information on the 3rd release at the website of the ISA² - Interoperability solutions for public administrations, businesses and citizens).